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» To Kill a Mockingbird

Michael Dudikoff film reviews

Michael Dudikoff

American actor


Crash Dive

as James Carter

To Kill a Mockingbird 1997

Terrorists from former Yugoslavia take over the American ballistic missile submarine and threaten to launch nuclear missiles on Washington. James Carter, constructor of the sub, sets out to stop them.


Counter Measures

as Captain Jake Fuller

To Kill a Mockingbird 1998

Captain Jake Fuller is transferred to Russian submarine as part of goodwill mission, but he ends up in the middle of terrorist attempt to take over the ballistic missiles aboard.



as Ed Carpenter

To Kill a Mockingbird 2002

Undercover American commandos are sent to Russian space station on a rescue mission. But their orders are beyond the rescue - they are about to steal data from the computers. Meteorite shower changes all the plans.

Michael Dudikoff often worked with