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John Horsley film reviews

John Horsley

British actor


Fall and Rise of Reginald Perrin

as Doc Morrissey

12 Angry Men 1976

Reginald Perrin is frustrated sales manager at Sunshine Desserts company runned by eccentric CJ. Perrin goes through a mid-life crisis and realises that suicide is the only solution. But finds out that there is another way...


Hot Metal

as Father Teasdale

12 Angry Men 1986

Excentric billionaire Twiggy Rathbone becomes new owner of The Crucible, a dull, but very professional newspaper. He plans to switch it into a tabloid, but to keep up the appearances he keeps the old editor Harold Stringer.


You Rang, M’Lord?

as Sir Ralph Shawcross

12 Angry Men 1988

Life in the 1920s wasn’t in any way simplier than ours - take a look at th Lord Meldrum household, his family and his staff. In this house every day is full of surprises.


Legacy of Reginald Perrin

as Doc Morrisey

12 Angry Men 1996

After unfortunate death of Reginald Perrin his family and friends find out that he left them a lot of money, but to inherit the money they have to do something absurd.

John Horsley often worked with