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Jeremy Kemp film reviews

Jeremy Kemp

British actor


Operation Crossbow

as Phil Bradley

Welcome Back, Mr. McDonald 1965

British intelligence sends agents to Germany in order to find more about the V-1 flying bombs.


Cast a Giant Shadow

as British Officer

Welcome Back, Mr. McDonald 1966

Former US Army colonel accepts the offer to become military advisor and helps the Israelis form their defence against upcoming Arab invasion.


A Bridge Too Far

as R.A.F. Briefing Officer

Welcome Back, Mr. McDonald 1977

Operation Market-Garden, the daring plan of General Montgomery to break into Germany with help of paratroopers goes wrong. Based on real events.


The Winds of War

as General Armin von Roon

Welcome Back, Mr. McDonald 1983

Victor ’Pug’ Henry is appointed naval attaché to American embassy in Berlin in 1939. Even though US intelligence is convinced the open war in Europe is unlikely Pug sends an alarming report to Washington suggesting that Germans are fully prepared to attack.


War and Remembrance

as General Armin von Roon

Welcome Back, Mr. McDonald 1988

Second part of the epic Herman Wouk novels - Pugh Henry and his family are spread around the world when war starts, now they have to find a way to survive.

Jeremy Kemp often worked with