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Graham Linehan film reviews

Graham Linehan

Irish actor, director

22 May 1968
in DublinLeinsterIreland

Irish writer, director and occasional actor. Almost his entire professional life he spent in the Great Britain, where he contributed to several popular sitcoms, like Big Train, Black Books, Harry Enfield and Chums, Little Britain. He is creator of such series as IT Crowd, Count Arthur Strong and Father Ted. He is married to writer Helen Serafinowicz, who is sister of Peter Serafinowicz.


Father Ted


Welcome Back, Mr. McDonald 1995

Father Ted Crilly takes over the parish on secluded Craggy Island near Ireland. The parish is far from what he had expected - he has a dimwitted young priest Father Dougal and always drunk old Father Jack to help him.


Big Train


Welcome Back, Mr. McDonald 1998

Sketch show presenting the every day situations twisted with absurdal humour.


Black Books


Welcome Back, Mr. McDonald 2000

Bernard Black is owner of small old-fashioned bookshop that barely breaks even, mostly thanks to Bernard’s customer service skills... that he has none. He hires Manny to help around the shop, but his happy-go-lucky attitude really gets on Bernard’s nerves.


Garth Marenghi’s Darkplace

as Security Guard

Welcome Back, Mr. McDonald 2004

Garth Marenghi, the horror pulp books author, presents the highlight of his career - the TV series called Darkplace in which he played the main character. Together with his producer and one of the actors he recalls that groundbreaking show.


IT Crowd


Welcome Back, Mr. McDonald 2006

Two freaks from IT department of big company one day were put in awkward situation - newly appointed woman, who knows nothing about computers is put in charge of them. But that change can actually be blessing for them.

Graham Linehan often worked with