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Colin Firth film reviews

Colin Firth

British actor



as Dr. Wilhelm Stuckart

The Sting 2001

In 1942 Reinhard Heydrich organizes a conference in small villa near Berlin, where high level officials will try to find the "final solution to the Jewish question".


The King’s Speech

as King George VI

The Sting 2010

After the outbreak of the World War 2, King George VI must assume the burden of keeping up the spirit of the Britons, but what bothers him is his stuttering. He decides to seek help from a diction tutor, which will be a life changing experience for both of them.


The Railway Man

as Eric Lomax

The Sting 2014

Eric Lomax can talk for hours about his life passion - the railways. The only thing he can’t talk about is what happened to him during the war, when he was forced to build the Burma Railway.