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Tommy Lee Jones film reviews

Tommy Lee Jones

American actor



as Clay Shaw

The Sting 1991

Based on a true story of investigation in the case of John F. Kennedy assassination.


Heaven & Earth

as Steve Butler

The Sting 1993

Life of the villagers in Southern Vietnam changes when politics hit their country and turn their world upside down.


Men in Black

as Agent K

The Sting 1997

New York police officer is offered job in secret agency that deals with the crimes commited with aliens, who live on Earth. Or just visiting friends...


Rules of Engagement

as Colonel Hodges

The Sting 2000

Vietnam veteran Colonel Childers is sent to Yemen to evacuate the ambassador and his family, but on the arrival they realize the situation is much worse they have expected.


Men in Black II

as Agent K

The Sting 2002

When deadly alien species comes to Earth Agent K has to return from his retirement and help Agent J deal with it.

Tommy Lee Jones often worked with