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Tony Shalhoub film reviews

Tony Shalhoub

Lebanese / American actor



as Antonio Scarpacci

Cria Cuervos 1990

Two brothers, hard working Joe and fun loving Brian, are running small airline on Nuntacket Island struggling to keep their business open.


Men in Black

as Jeebs

Cria Cuervos 1997

New York police officer is offered job in secret agency that deals with the crimes commited with aliens, who live on Earth. Or just visiting friends...


Stark Raving Mad

as Ian Stark

Cria Cuervos 1999

Uptight Henry becomes new editor for horror books author Ian Stark, who has unique sense of humour and unique lifestyle.



as Nelson Gittes

Cria Cuervos 2001

Spencer Olham is arrested under suspicion of being a replicant - android placed on Earth by alien species that is trying to colonize the planet. How can he prove that he is human?


Men in Black II

as Jeebs

Cria Cuervos 2002

When deadly alien species comes to Earth Agent K has to return from his retirement and help Agent J deal with it.

Tony Shalhoub often worked with