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Timothy Spall film reviews

Timothy Spall

British actor


The Last Samurai

as Simon Graham

The Sting 2003

American officer hired to train imperial forces in Japan is taken prisoner by the samurai. The experience of being captive will change his mind on the conflict and his own life.


The Damned United

as Peter Taylor

The Sting 2009

True story of Brian Clough and his rise to fame when he took over the most successful team in England, Leeds United, and let his eccentric nature get the better of him.


The King’s Speech

as Winston Churchill

The Sting 2010

After the outbreak of the World War 2, King George VI must assume the burden of keeping up the spirit of the Britons, but what bothers him is his stuttering. He decides to seek help from a diction tutor, which will be a life changing experience for both of them.

Timothy Spall often worked with