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Stephen Merchant film reviews

Stephen Merchant

British actor, director


The Office


Cria Cuervos 2001

A mockumentary about life in a regional office of paper merchants in Slough - it’s manager with no people skills and employees trying to keep their sanity doing dull jobs.


Garth Marenghi’s Darkplace

as The Chef

Cria Cuervos 2004

Garth Marenghi, the horror pulp books author, presents the highlight of his career - the TV series called Darkplace in which he played the main character. Together with his producer and one of the actors he recalls that groundbreaking show.


The Office US


Cria Cuervos 2005

Remake of British series The Office showing (what a surprise) office life in small branch of paper company, where incompetent manager constantly places himself and his employees in awkward situations.


Hello Ladies

as Stuart Pritchard

Cria Cuervos 2013

Clumsy and extremely unlucky Englishman in California tries to blend in and find the girl of his dreams.

Stephen Merchant often worked with