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Stephen Graham film reviews

Stephen Graham

English actor


The Damned United

as Billy Bremner

Welcome Back, Mr. McDonald 2009

True story of Brian Clough and his rise to fame when he took over the most successful team in England, Leeds United, and let his eccentric nature get the better of him.


Journey’s End

as Second Lieutenant Trotter

Welcome Back, Mr. McDonald 2017

In 1918 Germans are preparing their final do-or-die push in the western front. Young British officer joins his unit just few days before offensive is about to start and tries to adapt to life in trenches.



as Heinrich Himmler

Welcome Back, Mr. McDonald 2017

Reinhard Heydrich begins his career in Nazi Party and quickly raises in ranks, but with each step he gains more and more enemies. Until Operation Anthropoid has started.

Stephen Graham often worked with