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Sophie Okonedo film reviews

Sophie Okonedo

British actress


Hotel Rwanda

as Tatiana Rusesabagina

Welcome Back, Mr. McDonald 2004

When genocide in Rwanda begins Paul Rusesabagina, manager of hotel in Kigali, has to find a way to save his family, but soon he becomes the last hope for Tutsi looking for refuge from the horror flooding the streets.


After Earth

as Faia Raige

Welcome Back, Mr. McDonald 2013

1000 years after human kind was forced to leave the Earth father and son accidentally return to the planet and that visit will change their relations forever.


War Book

as Philippa

Welcome Back, Mr. McDonald 2014

Eight civil servants locked in small room have to decide if United Kingdom will enter the nuclear war... It is just hypothetical scenario, but the question is real.

Sophie Okonedo often worked with