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Sammo Kam-Bo Hung film reviews

Sammo Kam-Bo Hung

Hong Kong actor, writer, director


Millionaires Express

as Ching Fong Tin

Cria Cuervos 1986

Train full of rich passengers leaves Shanghai for 20 days journey to Chengdu, but few people has plans for the train to end its journey in small village in the middle of nowhere. Japanese diplomat tries to smuggle precious map, gangster tries to steal that map, conman tries to make money on it, halfwitted robber wants to get rich.


Eastern Condors

as Ming-Sun Tung

Cria Cuervos 1987

Colonel Lam is given special mission behind enemy lines - his target is bunker in Vietnam filled with rockets left by the US Army after evacuation in 1975.

Sammo Kam-Bo Hung often worked with