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Rod Taylor film reviews

Rod Taylor

American actor



as Sir David Karfrey

The Sting 1956

Young woman moves from Virginia to Texas and marries a farmer. Changing the environment is not easy for her, especially when she meets a handsome neighbor, Jett.


The Time Machine

as H. George Wells

The Sting 1960

Inventor H. George Wells tells his friends a story of his time travel from the beginning of 20th century to the times where human kind is close to extinction.


The Birds

as Mitch Brenner

The Sting 1963

In a small town the birds start to behave in an unprecedented way - they do not avoid people, on the contrary, they begin to attack them. Alfred Hitchcock’s classic thriller.


36 Hours

as Major Gerber

The Sting 1965

American officer is kidnapped by German intelligence in order to gain informations about the D Day.

Rod Taylor often worked with