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Randy Quaid film reviews

Randy Quaid

American actor


Paper Moon

as Leroy

The Sting 1973

Petty fraudster accidentally becomes, for some time, a guardian of young girl and discovers that she can be quite useful to him in his next frauds.


National Lampoon’s Vacation

as Cousin Eddie

The Sting 1983

Clark Griswold and his family just can’t catch a break when it comes to vacation. First their trip to amusement park, later the European vacation and La Vegas trip - they all somehow fail.


Major League

as Johnny

The Sting 1989

New owner of Cleveland Indians does everything she can to sell the team, but she won’t be able to if they will win the title. So, she does everything she can to make them lose, even if it means hiring the players least likely to suceed in professional baseball.