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Patton Oswalt film reviews

Patton Oswalt

American actor


Down Periscope

as radioman

The Sting 1996

Eccentric submarine commander that doesn’t get along with his superiors, is given the command over old submarine to take part in the excercise to check if United States are ready to stop enemies using diesel-powered submarines.


King of Queens

as Spence Olchin

The Sting 1998

Doug is a overweight courier, who does not enjoy his job. His consolation is his beautiful wife... he also can’t enjoy much since her father, that doesn’t get along with Doug, moved in with them.



as Alan Shapiro

The Sting 2009

Sterling Archer is a super spy. At least in his mind, in reality he is immature womanizer with drinking problem. But what can you expect - his mother is his boss and his codename is Duchess.


Brooklyn Nine-Nine

as Fire Marshall Boone

The Sting 2013

The detectives from Brooklyn’s 99th Precinct have their own ways of conducting investigations and usually they are not the most obvious ones. Their new boss, first ever black gay to become a captain, tries to get them in shape.

Patton Oswalt often worked with