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Miranda Richardson film reviews

Miranda Richardson

British actress



as Queen Elizabeth I

Cabaret  1983

Historical saga about the Edmund Blackadder and his successor during the history of Britain. Typical Edmund Blackadder is cunning, back-stabbing and conscienceless man, who will stop at nothing to get what he wants, especially in politics.


Empire of the Sun

as Mrs. Victor

Cabaret  1987

Teenage boy has to find a way to survive in internment camp when he is separated from his parents during the evacuation from Shanghai.


Blackadder Goes Forth

as Nurse Mary

Cabaret  1989

Captain Blackadder in trenches somewhere in France will do anything to avoid another push through no man



as Charlie Maguire

Cabaret  1994

In alternative history American journalist and SS officer team up to reveal the greatest secret of Nazi Germany, the secret so great that Nazis killed their own officials to keep it a secret.


An Inspector Calls

as Sybil Birling

Cabaret  2015

Wealthy Birling family evening is interrupted by unexpected visit from Inspector Goole. He asks the family members about young woman, who recently died, but no one seems to remember her.

Miranda Richardson often worked with