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Krzysztof Globisz film reviews

Krzysztof Globisz

Polish actor


Operation Simoom

as intelligence officer

Welcome Back, Mr. McDonald 1999

Based on true events - on a verge of Gulf War American intelligence officers are trapped inside Iraq and hunted by secret police. Polish agents in the area prepare daring escape operation.


Stones for the Rampart

as Jozef Zawadzki

Welcome Back, Mr. McDonald 2014

Teenagers from Gray Ranks prepare action that would free their friend Rudy from Gestapo, but their superiors in resistance are against the action since it would put a lot of civilians in danger.


Jack Strong

as Siwicki

Welcome Back, Mr. McDonald 2014

During Cold War disilussioned Polish intelligence officer decides to contact CIA in order to stop the World War III that would destroy his homeland.

Krzysztof Globisz often worked with