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Kenneth Branagh film reviews

Kenneth Branagh

British / Northern Irish actor



as Reinhard Heydrich

The Sting 2001

In 1942 Reinhard Heydrich organizes a conference in small villa near Berlin, where high level officials will try to find the "final solution to the Jewish question".



as Major-General Henning von Tresckow

The Sting 2008

Colonel Claus von Stauffenberg is determined to kill Hitler in order to stop the war and save lives of millions.



as Commander Bolton

The Sting 2017

In May 1940 last remains of British Expeditionary Force in France are pushed to their last stand - small port in Dunkirk. Their only hope to avoid being taken prisoners is immediate evacuation, but Royal Navy has no plan how to do that.

Kenneth Branagh often worked with