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Hugo Weaving film reviews

Hugo Weaving

Australian actor


The Matrix

as Agent Smith

Welcome Back, Mr. McDonald 1999

Hacker known as Neo is anxious to find what is the mystery of Matrix. He saw that phrase on different occassions, but when he will learn the truth this will change his world.


The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring

as Elrond

Welcome Back, Mr. McDonald 2001

Frodo Baggins learns that the ring that was left by his uncle is the Ring of Power that can give him unlimited power in Middle-Earth. But the original lord of that ring will not rest until he will get it back.


The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers

as Elrond

Welcome Back, Mr. McDonald 2002

While Frodo is continuing his journey to Mordor Gandalf has to hurry up and gather the forces of good since Saruman has already prepared a large army of beasts.


The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King

as Elrond

Welcome Back, Mr. McDonald 2003

The final clash between forces of good and evil is about to begin, but the kings of Gondor and Rohan does not seem to realize that.


V for Vendetta

Welcome Back, Mr. McDonald 2005

When fascist-like government takes over United Kingdom, United States are in the middle of second civil war and Europe is attacked by the St. Mary’s Virus, what the world needs is a man with vision. And a ruthless plan how to turn this vision into reality.


Hacksaw Ridge

as Tom Doss

Welcome Back, Mr. McDonald 2016

Desmond Doss, a conscientious objector on religious grounds, who despite his strong beliefs joins the army, but refuses to take part in war as soldier. While not even carrying a gun he became one of the heroes of Battle of Okinawa and recipient of Medal of Honor.

Hugo Weaving often worked with