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Eric Chappell film reviews

Eric Chappell

British director


Rising Damp


The Sting 1974

The series centered around a stingy landlord Rigsby that tries to find out how low he can put the standards for his lodgers and get away with it. Young students Alan and Philip try to mess up with his mind to get even.


Only When I Laugh


The Sting 1979

Three hypochondriacs Roy Figgis, Norman Binns and Archie Glover are put together in same ward of NHS hospital, where they try hard to keep occupied while the doctors can figure out what is wrong with them.


Duty Free


The Sting 1984

David Pearce lost his job and decided to spend the severance pay on holiday in Marbella for him and his wife Amy. In the hotel they meet another couple from Britain, which leads to tensions.


Fiddlers Three


The Sting 1991

Ralph works in a small office and feels frustrated about his job, overdemanding boss J.J., dodgy friend Harvey and inapt subordinate Osbourne.