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Anthony Quayle film reviews

Anthony Quayle

British actor


The Battle of the River Plate

as Commodore Harwood

The Sting 1956

True story of battle between British cruisers and German pocket battleship that led to diplomatic dispute.


The Guns of Navarone

as Franklin

The Sting 1961

Group of commandos take up difficult mission to silence the German guns on small Greek island.


Operation Crossbow

as Bamford

The Sting 1965

British intelligence sends agents to Germany in order to find more about the V-1 flying bombs.


The Eagle Has Landed

as Admiral Canaris

The Sting 1976

German commandos set for England to capture Winston Churchill.


Murder by Decree

as Sir Charles Warren

The Sting 1979

Sherlock Holmes gets involved in the Jack the Ripper investigation.

Anthony Quayle often worked with