Drifters living in South America looking for a way to get out of there. There is an opportunity to make money allowing to leave that godforsaken town - one of the oil wells caught fire and the only thing that can help is a load of nitroglycerin. The four men take the job and plan to deliver the dangerous cargo using two old trucks. Payment is very attractive, but nitroglycerin is very sensitive to any shocks and the road leads through the mountain wilderness. Driving the trucks is accompanied at all time by unbearable tension. One of the drivers makes a mistake and the car explodes. The death of two of them puts even greater pressure on the other pair of drivers, especially since they constantly encountering obstacles, often associated with moral dilemmas.
This film is an excellent thriller combined with adventure film, well played, great scenery, complex types of characters (Yves Montand!). It is filled with dramatic and naturalistic scenes and later many directors were drew inspiration from "Le Salaire de la Peur". Great cinema that will give you thrills through the whole time.