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Sally Field film reviews

Sally Field

American actress


Smokey and the Bandit

as Carrie, Frog

Cria Cuervos 1977

The challenge - transport bootleg alcohol from Texarkana to Atlanta within 28 hours. Why else would take the challenge other than legendary trucker known as The Bandit.


Smokey and the Bandit 2

as Carrie, Frog

Cria Cuervos 1980

Bandit is hired again to transport a crate from Miami to Dallas, but it turns out the crate is actually... an elephant.


Forrest Gump

as Mrs Gump

Cria Cuervos 1994

Forrest Gump is not beautiful, he is not smart, he has no particular talents except for one, which distinguishes him from other people - his honest, naive and contagious goodness.

Sally Field often worked with