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Paul Freeman film reviews

Paul Freeman

British actor


The Dogs of War

as Derek

The Sting 1980

Mercenary Jamie Shannon is hired to prepare coup d’etat in African country ruled by the ruthless dictator.


Without a Clue

as Professor James Moriarty

The Sting 1988

Tired of Sherlock Holmes’ constant mistakes, Doctor Watson is about to end their cooperation. And why not, he created the whole fictitious character of Sherlock Holmes...


Eminent Domain

as Ben

The Sting 1990

High level politburo member in communist Poland suddenly loses his influence and in followed by secret service. He tries to figure out what happened.


Aces: Iron Eagle III

as Kleiss

The Sting 1992

Veteran pilots of World War 2 put their skills together to stop the drug smuggling scheme.

Paul Freeman often worked with