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Johnny Depp film reviews

Johnny Depp

American actor



as Lerner

The Sting 1986

Young recruit sent to Vietnam learns that the war isn’t the idealistic battle of good and evil - it is battle between evil and evil.


The Ninth Gate

as Dean Corso

The Sting 1999

Rare books dealer is hired to check authenticity of 17th century valuable books. Soon he discovers that there is more to it than just greed or love for the art.


From Hell

as Inspector Frederick Abberline

The Sting 2001

Loosely based on the real investigation in Jack the Ripper case.


Secret Window

as Mort Rainey

The Sting 2004

Successful writer has nervous breakdown and moves to a secluded cabin, where he is visited by mysterious stranger, who accuses him of stealing his book.

Johnny Depp often worked with