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Christopher Walken film reviews

Christopher Walken

American actor


The Deer Hunter

as Nick Chevotarevich

The Sting 1978

Three steelworkers leave their small town in Pennsylvania to join the army. The Vietnam War changes their lives forever.


The Dogs of War

as Jamie Shannon

The Sting 1980

Mercenary Jamie Shannon is hired to prepare coup d’etat in African country ruled by the ruthless dictator.


Catch Me If You Can

as Frank Abagnale

The Sting 2002

Despite his young age con man Frank Abagnale Jr made it to the top 10 most wanted criminals. FBI agent Carl Hanratty is chasing him all around the States.


Julius Caesar

as Marcus Portius Cato

The Sting 2002

Life of Julius Ceasar from the age of 18 until his assassination.


Turks & Caicos

as Curtis Pelissier

The Sting 2014

Former MI5 agent left the country to get away from the world of deception and settled on Turks & Caicos, but soon the demons of the past catch up with him.

Christopher Walken often worked with