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Amelie 2001 / Le fabuleux destin d?Am?lie Poulain film review

Amelie 2001 film review

Amelie (2001, France)

Original title
Le fabuleux destin d?Am?lie Poulain
Running time
129 minutes
Our rating
★★★★★★★★☆☆ 8 / 10

Amelia is shy. She had rather sad childhood, after her mother’s death she was raised by her father, who isolated her from the world and from other children. Amelia now works in the cafe and rents an apartment in Montmartre. Accidentally she discovers what gives her joy - she likes to make others feel happier, invents many complexed intrigue to achieve it. For example she decided to find, now adult, owner of a box of toys that she has found in her apartment, devises a brilliant plan to amuse her father by stealing his favorite garden gnome... However one day she has to think about her own happiness when she meets young boy Nino, who is a shy as she is.

The film is set and Paris, in a number of very recognizable places. The film is very optimistic - it shows someone who wants to make people happy, unheard in the modern world. What is more actress playing the main character is slender, beautiful, natural, it is a pleasure to watch her. If you want to improve your mood just watch this film.

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Amelie 2001 film review

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Creators of Amelie

Jean-Pierre Jeunet films

Jean-Pierre Jeunet


Jean-Pierre Jeunet films

Jean-Pierre Jeunet


Guillaume Laurant films

Guillaume Laurant


Cast of Amelie

Audrey Tautou films

Audrey Tautou

as Amelie Poulain

Mathieu Kassovitz films

Mathieu Kassovitz

as Nino Quincampoix

Rufus  films


as Raphael Poulain

Yolande Moreau films

Yolande Moreau

as Madeleine Wallace

Arthus de Penguern films

Arthus de Penguern

as Hipolito

Urbain Cancelier films

Urbain Cancelier

as Collignon

Jamel Debbouze films

Jamel Debbouze

as Lucien

Dominique Pinon films

Dominique Pinon

as Joseph

Amelie 2001 film review
Amelie 2001 film review
Amelie 2001 film review
Amelie 2001 film review
Amelie 2001 film review
Amelie 2001 film review
Amelie 2001 film review