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Romantic comedy reviews

Roman Holiday 1953

Young princess bored stiff with the official etiquette decides to see the world of ordinary people. American journalist shows her the joys of simple life.
Romantic comedy

Roman Holiday 1953 film review

Breakfast at Tiffany’s 1961

Holly found a way to live a happy life - she makes her living with money from her admirers. Aspiring writer Paul begins to watch her and discover how much they have in common.
Romantic comedy

Breakfast at Tiffany’s 1961 film review

Amelie 2001

Amélie is a shy girl, who discovers that nothing gives her more joy than helping people feel just a little happier.
Romantic comedy

Amelie 2001 film review

Shallow Hal 2001

Shallow Hal dates only physically beautiful women, but after being hypnotised he begin to see the inner beauty in people.
ComedyRomantic comedy

Shallow Hal 2001 film review

Pretty Woman 1990

Businessman Edward Lewis accidentally meets a prostitute Vivien, who turns out to be a completely different person than Edward suspected. This meeting will change the lives of both of them.
Romantic comedy

Pretty Woman 1990 film review

A Countess from Hong Kong 1967

Russian countess Natasha without money or passport lives in Hong Kong working as a dancer. At all costs she tries to get to the United States, especially after she met the rich American Ogden Mears.
Romantic comedy

A Countess from Hong Kong 1967 film review