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Musical reviews

Cabaret 1972

When fascists are taking over the power in Germany the cabaret seems to be the only place, where the world is like it used to be. But not for long.
DramaPolitical filmPsychological drama

Cabaret  1972 film review

A Hard Day’s Night 1964

The Beatles prepare for their TV appearance in London, but their manager, Norm, has problem in keeping an eye on them since none of the famous four even tries to make his life any easier.

A Hard Day’s Night 1964 film review

Fame 1980

High School for the Performing Arts in New York opens the doors for new group of students. We see their progress through school and their life choices.

Fame 1980 film review

Black Orpheus 1959

Orpheus, a driver in Rio de Janeiro, just before the start of the carnival, meets in his tram a girl that seems to be lost, Eurydice. She believes Death follows her.

Black Orpheus 1959 film review

West Side Story 1961

Two New York street gang are fighting for the control over one of the suburbs. Instead of continuing the small encounters they plan one big battle that will decide the fate of the neighbourhood.
DramaGangster filmMusical

West Side Story 1961 film review

An American in Paris 1951

After World War 2 has ended American Jerry Mulligan stayed in Paris, where he tries to make living as painter. He meets the beautiful Lise and falls in love with her, but on the path to their happiness stands an event from her past.

An American in Paris 1951 film review

The Threepenny Opera 1931

Adaptation of famous musical by Berthold Brecht, story about the London’s underworld in the early 20th century - Mack The Knife, leader of the local gang, falls in love with the daughter of the beggar king.

The Threepenny Opera 1931 film review

The Umbrellas of Cherbourg 1964

Young Genevieve wants to marry her boyfriend Guy, but the war in Algeria separates them when he is drafted into the army. Will their love survive the test?

The Umbrellas of Cherbourg 1964 film review