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The Saragossa Manuscript 1964 / Rekopis znaleziony w Saragossie film review

The Saragossa Manuscript 1964 film review

The Saragossa Manuscript (1964, Poland)

Original title
Rekopis znaleziony w Saragossie
Running time
177 minutes
Our rating
★★★★★★☆☆☆☆ 6 / 10

During the Napoleonic Wars the captain of the guard of the King of Spain, Alphonse van Worden, travels to Madrid to take a new position. Along the way he stays in a gloomy inn in deserted part of the Sierra Morena. There he meets two sisters, Moorish princesses, who declared him as a descendant of the powerful family of Gomelez and tells him that he is the chosen one. But before he will receive the honors that are due to him, he must prove his courage and integrity. There he begins his journey through the world of spirits, devils, hanged men and inquisitors. He meets amazing characters, visits the amazing places, and all this is going to a surprising ending...

The first Polish adventurous film made in the style of cloak and dagger story - comedy that is a fantastic tale of ghosts and possessed princesses. This film impresses in composition, unconventionality and atmosphere. The script was based on the novel by Count Jan Potocki written at the turn of the 18th and 19th centuries. The film was praised by many critics and artists (even Martin Scorsese and Luis Bunuel).

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Watch The Saragossa Manuscript

Watch The Saragossa Manuscript

Creators of The Saragossa Manuscript

Wojciech Jerzy Has films

Wojciech Jerzy Has


Tadeusz Kwiatkowski films

Tadeusz Kwiatkowski


Cast of The Saragossa Manuscript

Zbigniew Cybulski films

Zbigniew Cybulski

as Alfons Van Worden

Iga Cembrzynska films

Iga Cembrzynska

as princess Emina

Elzbieta Czyzewska films

Elzbieta Czyzewska

as Frasquetta Salero

Gustaw Holoubek films

Gustaw Holoubek

as Don Pedro Velasquez

Stanislaw Igar films

Stanislaw Igar

as Don Gaspar Soarez

Joanna Jedryka films

Joanna Jedryka

as princess Zibelda

Janusz Klosinski films

Janusz Klosinski

as Don Diego Salero

Bogumil Kobiela films

Bogumil Kobiela

as Senor Toledo

Barbara Krafftowna films

Barbara Krafftowna

as Camilla de Tormez

Zdzislaw Maklakiewicz films

Zdzislaw Maklakiewicz

as Don Roque Busqueros

Jan Machulski films

Jan Machulski

as Count Pena Flor

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The Saragossa Manuscript 1964 add comment