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Film reviews, best films in history

Evan Jones

British actor, director


The Damned


Welcome Back, Mr. McDonald 1962

While touring a picturesque English town an American tourist is attacked and mugged. Soon he discovers that nothing in this town is what it seems to be.


King & Country


Welcome Back, Mr. McDonald 1964

British soldier is accused of desertion during the Battle of Passchendaele and put in front of court-martial, but the case isn’t as simple as it seems.


Funeral in Berlin


Welcome Back, Mr. McDonald 1966

British agent is sent to Cold War era Berlin to make arrangements for defection of high level Russian officer. Soon he discovers that something is going on around him and he can trust no one.




Welcome Back, Mr. McDonald 1981

During World War 2 Germans organize the propaganda football match against team formed of Allied players that are captives in the prisoners of war camps in France.


The Book of Eli

as Martz

Welcome Back, Mr. McDonald 2010

In post-apocalyptic America a lonely traveler arrives to a remnants of a city, where leader of local gang is desperate to take a book away from him.

Evan Jones often worked with