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Film reviews, best films in history

Dan Aykroyd

Canadian actor, director

01 July 1952
in OttawaOntarioCanada

as Dr. Raymond Stantz

The Sting

After saving New York the Ghostbusters company was shut down and they all went their own ways. But now, when the city is again in danger they have to overcome their differences and raise again to fight the dark forces.


Saturday Night Live

The Sting 1975

Iconic American sketch show that for last over 40 years is broadcasted live from New York studios using talents of best American comedians.



as Sgt. Frank Tree

The Sting 1979

Soon after attack on Pearl Harbor Japanese submarine surfaces near the coast of California. They are here to attack Hollywood... if they can find it.


The Blues Brothers

as Elwood Blues

The Sting 1980

Two blues musicians try to raise $5,000 to save a Catholic orphanage from closure with local police on their tales.



as Dr. Raymond Stantz

The Sting 1984

Three eccentric scientists are sacked from their jobs at the university, so they decide to go private with their research into the ghost stories. When New York City is being invaded by thousands of ghosts of any kind... who you gonna call?


Spies Like Us

as Austin Millbarge

The Sting 1985

Two incompetent agents are sent on secret mission near Soviet Union borders, but their natural incompetence suddenly changes the character of the mission.


Pearl Harbor

as Thurman

The Sting 2001

Romance story placed during the first years of World War 2 - two pilots fall in love with the same nurse.

Dan Aykroyd often worked with