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Bob Gale

American director

21 May 1951
in University CityMissouriUnited States

American screenwriter, producer and film director. He famously co-wrote the
science fiction film Back to the Future with writing partner Robert Zemeckis, and the screenplays for the film’s two sequels. Gale also co-produced all three films. As screenwriters, Gale and Zemeckis have collaborated on films including 1941, I Wanna Hold Your Hand, Used Cars, and Trespass, the last set in East St. Louis, Illinois near Gale’s home town. In 1985, both Gale and Zemeckis were nominated for an Academy Award in honor of their screenplay for Back to the Future. He has also written for comics, including Marvel Comics’ Ant-Man’s Big Christmas and DC Comics’ Batman.




Cria Cuervos 1979

Soon after attack on Pearl Harbor Japanese submarine surfaces near the coast of California. They are here to attack Hollywood... if they can find it.


Back to the Future


Cria Cuervos 1985

Teenager Marty McFly travels back in time with a help of eccentric scientist Doc Brown to the moment, in which his parents first met. What he does in the past can change the present reality.


Back to the Future II


Cria Cuervos 1989

Second part of Back to the Future - same story, same concept, same characters.


Back to the Future III


Cria Cuervos 1990

Another part of Back to the Future - this time Marty McFly is moving back in time to 19th century, where he meets his grand-grandparents.

Bob Gale often worked with