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Zbigniew Lesien film reviews

Zbigniew Lesien

Polish actor

08 February 1947
in OlesnicaLower SilesiaPoland

Polish actor, theater, film and television; father of actor Michael Lesien. He was the general director and artistic theaters in Kalisz and Wroclaw. He also appeared in the Television Theatre. Known for Pilot Pirx’s Inquest, The Scar, A Maldiçao do Vale das Serpentes.


Pilot Pirx’s Inquest

as John Calder

Welcome Back, Mr. McDonald 1978

Pilot Pirx is hired to take part in experiment - space travel with one of the crew members being android with artificial intelligence, but Pirx doesn’t know which one.


Curse of Snakes Valley

as Noiret

Welcome Back, Mr. McDonald 1988

Story that started during 1950s in Indochina gathers together a trio of veteran pilot, journalist and ancient languages expert for the adventure deep in the jungle.

Zbigniew Lesien often worked with