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Louis de Funes film reviews

Louis de Funes

French actor

31 July 1914
in CourbevoieIle-de-FranceFrance

27 January 1983



as Inspector Juve

Welcome Back, Mr. McDonald 1964

Fantomas, the mysterious and most powerful villain there is - he is elusive, has an army of criminals and any kind of gadgets he would need to reach his target. Ambitious journalist Fandor gets a little bit too close to the truth with his publications and Fantomas takes him on as his next target.


The Gendarme of St. Tropez

as Ludovic Cruchot

Welcome Back, Mr. McDonald 1964

French comedy genius Louis de Funes in one of his most famous incarnation - as an energetic gendarme, who is transfered to French Riviera, but it turns out he will be second in command.


The Tattoo

as Felicien Mezeray

Welcome Back, Mr. McDonald 1968

The merchant of art discovers the unique piece, drawing of Modigliani, on which he can earn a fortune. But there is one minor technical problem - the drawing is in a form of tattoo on the back of a former soldier of the Foreign Legion.

Louis de Funes often worked with