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Laurie Metcalf film reviews

Laurie Metcalf

American actress



as Susie Cox

The Sting 1991

Based on a true story of investigation in the case of John F. Kennedy assassination.


The Norm Show

as Laurie Freeman

The Sting 1999

Former professional hockey player is banned for life for gambling and tax evasion. To avoid being sent to jail he is doing a community service as social worker. At least in theory, in practice he does as little as possible.


God, the Devil and Bob

as Donna Allman

The Sting 2000

God is about to destroy the universe and start everything from a scratch, but in order to give the human kind another chance he choses one man to convince him that people are worth to be spared.


Big Bang Theory

as Mary Cooper

The Sting 2007

The lifes of four really geeky workers of university in Pasadena changes completely when they meet Penny, a actually normal girl. For them nothing is gonna be the same as before.

Laurie Metcalf often worked with