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Krystyna Sienkiewicz film reviews

Krystyna Sienkiewicz

Polish actress


Poszepszynski Family

as Inga

The Sting 1972

The Poszepszynski family is not typical family, but in many ways it is - comedy show created as parody of popular The Matysiaks soap opera.


Graczyk Family

as Aniela Kaczorowska

The Sting 1999

They are almost average family. Except that both of parents are not that bright. And they both are kind of addicted to lotteries and sweepstakes of any kind. And that their teenage daughter is more interested in men than school. And their son is smarter than rest of them combined. And their next door neighbour is a middle-aged Casanova...

Krystyna Sienkiewicz often worked with