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Keanu Reeves film reviews

Keanu Reeves

American actor


The Matrix

as Neo

Welcome Back, Mr. McDonald 1999

Hacker known as Neo is anxious to find what is the mystery of Matrix. He saw that phrase on different occassions, but when he will learn the truth this will change his world.


The Replacements

as Shane Falco

Welcome Back, Mr. McDonald 2000

During strike of pro players controversial coach comes up with idea of bringing the talented players that never made it to the pro level and building team out of them.


A Scanner Darkly

as undercover cop

Welcome Back, Mr. McDonald 2006

Undercover cop is infiltrating the group of dealers, but at the same time he becomes addicted to the drug they are selling. From that point he is no longer sure on which side he really is.

Keanu Reeves often worked with