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Jodie Foster film reviews

Jodie Foster

American actress


Taxi Driver

as Iris "Easy" Steensma

The Sting 1976

Travis, a veteran of the Vietnam War, takes a job as a night taxi driver. Observing what is happening on the streets after dark he decides to do something about it. But as a former soldier he knows only one solution - violence.


The Silence of the Lambs

as Clarice Starling

The Sting 1991

Young FBI agent must find a way to persuade an extremely dangerous criminal to cooperate in a chase after a serial killer.



as Kyle Pratt

The Sting 2005

During transatlantic flight Kyle Pratt falls asleep. When she wakes up her daughter is gone and people around try to convince her she was alone when they took off.


Inside Man

as Madeleine White

The Sting 2006

Bank heist takes strange turns one after another - police officers are buffled.



as Delacourt

The Sting 2013

Max, hard-working ex-criminal, is exposed to high radiation and has only few days to live. His only hope is to find the way to cure himself on the satellite Elysium.

Jodie Foster often worked with