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Jean-Michel Jarre film reviews

Jean-Michel Jarre

French composer, musician

24 August 1948
in LyonAuvergneFrance

One of the most famous solo musicians and one of the most prominent electronic music composer in history. As son of famous film music composer and conductor Maurice Jarre, Jean-Michel was brought in a world full of music. Although his father was absent during his teenage years after his parents split up when he was very young, his grandfather was oboe player and engineer that, among other things designed an early audio mixer for Radio Lyon. He published his first album Deserted Palace in 1973 when he was 25, but later albums, especially 1976 Oxygène, 1978 Équinoxe and 1981 Les Chants Magnétiques (Magnetic Fields) made him a star. He also performed in many great live concerts that gathered record audience, like 14 July 1979 (Bastille Day) that was put in Guinness Book of Records with audience around 1 million people, but he later gathered even bigger crowds (5 April 1986 1.5 million in Houston, 14 July 1990 2.5 million in Paris and 3.5 million in Moscow 6 September 1997).


Equinoxe 4

The Sting 1978

Equinoxe was published in 1978 and is considered a follow-up to Oxygene album.


Equinoxe 5

The Sting 1978

Equinoxe was published in 1978 and is considered a follow-up to Oxygene album.


Magnetic Fields part 2

The Sting 1981

Music from Jean-Michel Jarre fifth studio album.


Rendez-Vous 4

The Sting 1986

Music from Jean-Michel Jarre eight studio album published in 1986.