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Helena Bonham Carter film reviews

Helena Bonham Carter

British actress


Terminator Salvation

as Dr. Serena Kogan

Cria Cuervos 2009

John Connor finds the information about new weapon - the cyborgs using the living tissue. Since that point no one will be able to tell who is human and who is not.


The King’s Speech

as Queen Elisabeth

Cria Cuervos 2010

After the outbreak of the World War 2, King George VI must assume the burden of keeping up the spirit of the Britons, but what bothers him is his stuttering. He decides to seek help from a diction tutor, which will be a life changing experience for both of them.


Turks & Caicos

as Margot Tyrrell

Cria Cuervos 2014

Former MI5 agent left the country to get away from the world of deception and settled on Turks & Caicos, but soon the demons of the past catch up with him.

Helena Bonham Carter often worked with