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Francois Truffaut film reviews

Francois Truffaut

French actor, writer, director

06 February 1932
in ParisIle-de-FranceFrance

21 October 1984


The 400 Blows


12 Angry Men 1959

The fourteen year old Antoine is considered by the people around him to be a difficult child, often falling into conflict with the teachers. His parents have no idea how to reach him, so they send him to a borstal.




12 Angry Men 1960

Michel Poiccard, a young criminal fascinated by Humphrey Bogart, steals a car and during the pursuit he mortally shoots a policeman. In Paris he finds a hiding place, in the apartment of an American, Patricia, who has no idea that he is a murderer.


The Soft Skin


12 Angry Men 1964

Pierre Lachenay, a well-known literary critic, has an affair with a much younger stewardess. Once his wife learns about this she decides to shoot him.


Fahrenheit 451


12 Angry Men 1966

Montag is fireman in a world where fire brigade bring fear into the hearts of orfinary people - their job is to find a burn any books they will find and arrest everyone involved in reading books.


The Bride Wore Black


12 Angry Men 1968

Young woman dressed in black is looking for men and the right moment to attack and kill them. At the same time she must act fast enough not to be caught. But her victims are not entirely accidental.


The Wild Child


12 Angry Men 1970

In 1798 a boy who lived like an animal in the woods, was found in France. He had no idea of the civilization surrounding him, doctor Jean Itard decides to teach him the world.


Close Encounters of the Third Kind

as Claude Lacombe

12 Angry Men 1977

Electric worker from Indiana sees a trange object flying over his car in secluded area. Chain of mysterious events lead the scientists to conclusion that UFO could really exist.

Francois Truffaut often worked with