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Dustin Hoffman film reviews

Dustin Hoffman

American actor


The Graduate

as Benjamin Braddock

The Sting 1967

Young man becomes a target for his rich neighbor - she will not give up until she will seduce him.


Little Big Man

as Jack Crabb

The Sting 1970

Jack grew up among the Cheyenne, then he was a prisoner of the US Army and spent his life on the border between the two cultures. Through his lifestory we see the price Indians paid for the growth of the United States.


Rain Man

as Raymond Babbitt

The Sting 1988

Materialist Charlie at the news of his father’s death counts on the big inheritance. However, it appears that he has an older brother, suffering from with autism, who will get all the money. Charlie decides to get its due part of the inheritance.



as Norman Goodman

The Sting 1998

Four scientists are sent to explore mysterious object at the bottom of the sea that seems to be an alien spacecraft.


Perfume: The Story of a Murderer

as Giuseppe Baldini

The Sting 2006

Young man, Grenouille, has unique talent - an absolute sense of smell, but the passion for finding the ultimate fragrance will push him to the limits of humanity.

Dustin Hoffman often worked with