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David S. Ward film reviews

David S. Ward

American writer, director


The Sting


Cria Cuervos 1973

Two petty crooks plan to take revenge on the gangster responsible for death of their friend. And they do it the only way they know - by preparing a swindle.


Major League


Cria Cuervos 1989

New owner of Cleveland Indians does everything she can to sell the team, but she won’t be able to if they will win the title. So, she does everything she can to make them lose, even if it means hiring the players least likely to suceed in professional baseball.


Down Periscope


Cria Cuervos 1996

Eccentric submarine commander that doesn’t get along with his superiors, is given the command over old submarine to take part in the excercise to check if United States are ready to stop enemies using diesel-powered submarines.