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Brian Doyle-Murray film reviews

Brian Doyle-Murray

American actor


Saturday Night Live

The Sting 1975

Iconic American sketch show that for last over 40 years is broadcasted live from New York studios using talents of best American comedians.



as Earl Cross

The Sting 1988

Ruthless TV producer is preparing live Christmas show, but soon three ghosts of past, present and future will open his eyes to what his life has become.



as Jack Ruby

The Sting 1991

Based on a true story of investigation in the case of John F. Kennedy assassination.


The Middle

as Don Ehlert

The Sting 2009

The Heck family from Orson, Indiana - two hard working parents and three rather unusual children. We see their everyday problems and rare and very small successes.

Brian Doyle-Murray often worked with