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Boleslaw Abart film reviews

Boleslaw Abart

Polish actor

13 August 1935
in ChorzowSilesiaPoland

Polish film actor, theater and television. After graduating from Academy of Dramatic
Arts in Kraków in 1962, has been engaged to the local Theatre. Slovak. Later he moved to Wroclaw, where since 1974, is an
actor Contemporary Theatre. In 1988 he received the Gold Cross of Merit for cultural activities and achievements of acting. Best known for Pilot Pirx’s Inquest (1979), Signs on the Road (1970), Die Untersuchung (1974), Frankenstein (TV Movie - 1992), Wiedzmin (2002).


Pilot Pirx’s Inquest

as Jan Otis

The Sting 1978

Pilot Pirx is hired to take part in experiment - space travel with one of the crew members being android with artificial intelligence, but Pirx doesn’t know which one.